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Tesla Model 3 Highland - Range - Pricing - All Details

Credit Tesla: Model 3 Highland

The new Tesla Model 3 Highland is already on its way to customers in China and Europe. The first few customers got already the newest Tesla Model 3 which brings a lot of new features and changes.

We will look into all those changes and also give some first feedback from customers, that had a chance to experience the Tesla Model 3. Please be aware, that those feedbacks come from europe, as in the US the new Tesla Model 3 ist not yet released.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Prices & Versions

Credit Tesla: New lights for the Model 3

The new Tesla Model 3 Highland currently comes in two versions that we are already familiar with. The only missing one is the performance version, that will come in 2024. First indications from customers in Germany suggest, that the Tesla Model 3 Performance version will be released by June 2024.

  • Tesla Model 3 Rear wheel drive - 42.990€

  • Tesla Model 3 Long Range All Wheel Drive - 51.990€

These are the prices in Germany which can be different in all other european countries. When it comes to Project Highland and prices you can expect, that Tesla will increase the entry level by around 1000€. For the US market we do expect the same to happen once the highland model is officially unveiled.

Once the refreshed Model 3 Highland hits the market and demand slows down Tesla will use its pricing power and reduce the prices. For Germany they could go back as low as 39.990€.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Range

Credit Tesla: Panoramic roof

When it comes to the range of the new Model 3 Highland there is some good news. Tesla didn't increase the battery size. They managed to improve aerodynamics and with that they were able to increase the range.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Rear Wheel Drive Range

  • 18-Zoll Photon-Rim 554 km (491 km before)

  • 19-Zoll Nova-Rim 513 km (1.700€)

Tesla Model 3 Highland All Wheel Drive Range

  • 18-Zoll Photon-Felgen 678 km (626 km before)

  • 19-Zoll Nova Felgen 629 km (1.700€)

Please not that the final range for US Owners is still not officially unveiled, nevertheless improvements are expected and we do think that production will start soon in Fremont.

When it comes to prices be prepared for difference as especially in the US the support for EVs from the government allows Tesla to have a different strategy when it comes to prices.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Changes

Credit Tesla: The new Ultra Red

Following changes come with the new Tesla Model 3 Highland:

  • New headlights

  • Ambient lighting

  • New interior design

  • New exterior design

  • Better sound system

  • New 8 inch touch screen for rear seat passengers

  • New colors - Ultra Red & Stealth grey

  • New Steering Wheel

  • New Dashboard

  • New Wheels

  • 2.0 Generation Cooling

  • Better driving range

  • Turn signal buttons on Steering Wheel

The Tesla Model 3 Highland received a lot of improvements which can be seen right away with the new design.

The electric vehicles of Tesla had always a lack of design in the front, many wished for a more aggressive appearance. For the first time the Tesla Model 3 received this upgrade that many waited for.

Credit Tesla: New seats inside the Model 3

With the original model 3 Tesla was very successful and it hat a lot of good technology, nevertheless especially in europe many people complaint, that the interior and the design as well as the quality of the car itself was not at the same level as german carmakers.

First impressions show, that the new vehicle as way better build quality as before and the cars even use german suppliers despite being produced in China.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Interior

Credit Tesla: Model 3 interior new design

For some the exterior ist even more important than the interior design. Since the new Model 3 has been presented and footages appeared many asked themselves how will the built quality be.

Based on our own experience and feedback from many people, we can say with full confidence, that the new Model 3 has way better built quality, now panel gaps as in the past and the interior has gotten much better.

Last week we were able to sit in a new Tesla Model 3 built in China for customers in europe and the vehicle has many parts from established companies in Germany. The most discussed topic are the turn signals that have disappeared and need to be used like in a Tesla Model S Plaid.

Credit: Old Tesla Model 3 in black

What can you expect in the new Tesla Model 3 interior? Here are the changes you we have seen in this new car. Please be aware, that we cannot guarantee that all of those will come to the US as well. For europe and china we are able to confirm them in all vehicles.

  • 50% less pieces were used to built the car.

  • New Dashboard and new door design

  • Hardware 4 and better Screen quality

  • New Touch screen

  • Seat ventilation

  • Improved suspension

  • Better sound system

  • Better Windows with less noise

These are just a few improvements and still you get the new Tesla Model 3 for almost the same amount as before which makes this car based on conversations with customers very interesting.

Of course you still have all the features like keyless entry and even better bluetooth connection and everything that comes with your current Model 3 or Model Y in case you own already a Tesla.

If you are a first time buyer this is the best time to buy the car as you receive the news improvement that Tesla has to offer.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Specs

Credit Tesla: Battery production

The refreshed Model 3 comes with a better energy consumption which the new Model achieves through better aerodynamics. The Standard Range and Long Range have some slight improvements that you see below:

  • Tesla Model 3 Highland Standard Range - 13,2 kWh/100km (14,4 kWh/100km before)

  • Tesla Model 3 Highland Long Range - 14,0 kWh/100km (14,7 kWh/100km before)

The current Model 3 as you can see just got even more efficient than the old version. Especially with the LR Version the range that can be traveled is very good with almost 600 km on a full charge.

Tesla Model 3 Highland acceleration

Credit Tesla: The old Model 3 version

The new Model 3 has now changes when it comes to the acceleration of its car. The acceleration for the Standard Range Model 3 ist still hat 6,1 sec. and for the LR Version at 4,4 sec.

What is still unclear ist the acceleration of the performance version which appears to be even better than before but final confirmation still has to come.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Max Speed

Credit Tesla: Interior old Model 3

The maximum speed is one of the disappointments especially for germany customers as they can drive as fast as they want. The max speed was reduced down to 201 km/h which is a big difference to the 233 km/h that were possible before.

This reduced speed to begin with only affects german customers and for Tesla the reduced performance therefore isn't a big deal when it comes to the worldwide customer base. We do hope though, that the Model 3 Performance will have all features and performance numbers as in the old version or even better including a very good max speed.

Tesla Model 3 Highland Model Colors

Credit Tesla: The new ultra red

The new Model 3 comes with new colors. You can choose now between Stealth Grey and Ultra Red. Both colors replaced to the old grey and red in europe and we do expect these changes to come as well for the vehicle in the US.


Credit Tesla: New touch screen in the back

The wait for the facelift Model 3 was very long, now its time to look at this new car and to seriously consider it. The prices could still go lower if demand might slow down next year due to high interest rates but even for the current price in europe there is no other car with the same package to be found.

Our experience with electric vehicles shows, that many people tend to wait for the perfect moment. Right now the EV business is improving in a rapid speed and the technology in the new Model 3 might be old in 2 years as batteries get even better.

For now the new Model 3 is one of the best cars on the market for european customers and hopefully soon in the US too. We do expect as for the current Model 3 a steady demand over the next few years. Even though we like the car we still have to mention, that for people being a bit older we do recommend the Model Y as it is build higher and is easier to get in and out.

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